Falbygdens museum <>. Local museum in Falköping with an excellent prehistoric exhibition. Official web site written in Swedish.
Ekehagens forntidsby <>. Prehistoric village with Mesolithic huts, and Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age houses. Official web site written in Swedish with brief information in English and German.
Hornborgasjöns Naturum <>. Official web site written in Swedish, English, and German.
Runes'n'Ruins <>. Web site with photos of ancient monuments in Västra Götaland, Sweden. Written in English by a photographer called Peo.
Stay on a Farm, Liden - Slutarp <> An excellent way to stay if you want to spend a few days in the Falbygden area, within walking distance of the Slutarp dolmen. Web site written in Swedish, English, and German.
Others in Sweden
Forntidsresan (Hagadösen) <>. The famous Haga dolmen and other prehistoric sites from the island Orust on the Swedish westcoast. Official web site written in Swedish.
Department of archaeology, Göteborgs universitet <>. Official web site written in Swedish and English.
Megalithic graves and other prehistoric monuments
Stone Pages <>. An excellent guide to many megalithic sites in Western Europe. Very fine photos and a lot of information. Written in English and Italian by Paola Arosio and Diego Meozzi.
Mkzdk Carnac Megaliths <>. Excellent black and white photos of megalithic graves and monuments in the Carnac region in Brittany. Written in English.
Dolmens in the Netherlands <>. A guide to all megalithic graves in the Netherlands. Written in English and Dutch by Hans Meijer.
Großsteingräber in Niedersachsen <>. Megalithic graves in Northwest Germany. Written in German.
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About The Fellowship of the Slutarp Dolmen |
This page is made by Slutarpsdösens Vänner
(The Fellowship of the Slutarp Dolmen). Updated 2009-12-06.